
55 reviews




Thank you so much & have a wonderful day!!! <3


Thanks for the trade :))

Agostinho Barone

Awesome trader! Strongly recommended!


thanks for the trade!

Shifty Slug

Thanks for the Trade!


Thanks for trade :)


Thanks for your trade proposal!We came to a mutual agreement

Im a go

Sorry, You waited for a long time. and Fine key. Thanks!

Johan Lejonborn

Thanks for the four nice trades! :)


Thanks for the trade. Will be more than happy to trade in future.

Recent posts

Agostinho Barone about 6 years ago

Thanks a lot for accepting my offer!

Hugh about 6 years ago

Would you mind making your game library and wishlist public? (Steam recently changed the default to private). Go to then change the "Game details" setting to Public.

imjohnblue about 6 years ago

Sorry, only just saw your message today. 26 days later. Settings have been changed.

N/A over 6 years ago

sent you a trade offer, but probably not what you're looking for, I just selected random games in the hopes I could somehow see your wishlist or be able to send a message. If you provide me with a steam wishlist I can see what I have :)

NikAidin over 6 years ago

happy holidays and happy new year! please check my treadables for anything for banner saga...

NikAidin over 6 years ago

what to say about a man who gave away to me as present the above game. Gratitude for a - considered to be - a groupees friend. John, dude, youk know i owe you man.

NikAidin over 6 years ago

dude, i dont know if the game i like or your gesture... damn you.

imjohnblue over 6 years ago

You are very welcome my friend, I'm glad you liked it.

Kez almost 7 years ago

Thanks for the counter offer and trade

LordRUEZ almost 7 years ago

Hey imjohnblue, thanks for taking the time and hooking us both up with games we didn't have. You rule, sir.

imjohnblue almost 7 years ago

Most welcome, and thank you for accepting the counter offers. I've sent you a friend request on Steam; you don't currently have anything else that I'm looking for, but I'll keep an eye on your tradeables and keep you in mind for your requests.

Fiat Lux almost 7 years ago

The Steam add is "cool" - invite sent :-)

Leopold Markievitz Mushroompubes almost 7 years ago

Thanks for your offer! It seems you checked my wishlist :) Howver I'm looking for $3 for Sora as the split price was $3.20.

imjohnblue almost 7 years ago

I'm not sure I understand clearly, are you saying you'd prefer a $3 value coin? The games I offered are worth about $8.

Leopold Markievitz Mushroompubes almost 7 years ago

I mean $3 PayPal as the price I paid (by equal split) was $3.20. Could perhaps do games from my wishlist worth $3. I'm going by price paid for the bundle games. By $8 you must mean full retail price on Steam?

imjohnblue almost 7 years ago

Yeah, it's maybe not the system everyone operates on, but I use the Steam -base price- as my exchange rate. I figure saying as I didn't really pay full price for most of the games, it's best to offer similarly priced listed games for trade, to maintain the illusion of worth!

imjohnblue about 7 years ago

For trades, please only items of similar value and preferably only from Steam wishlist...

NikAidin about 7 years ago

Best trader in here. If ever you see anything in my trade list you wish for, feel free to ask it.

imjohnblue about 7 years ago

That's cool man thank you.